Welcome to BFM Career Courses! The one stop shop to get the tools and guidance that you’re looking for. At BFM Drum Lessons To Go you will have access to video lessons, courses and play alongs from Brian Frasier-Moore. No matter if you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced players BFM Lessons To Go can accommodate you. Looking to start learning how to play drums? We got you covered. First time students are welcome. Patient and Encouraging courses make it easy for my students to get comfortable with themselves. That’s the key! Feeling comfortable!
1. Getting Started
Rudiments with Metronome and Drum Tuning 1. (Getting Familiar)
The Best Posture and Comfort for your kit. (Health)
Drum Set up and Gear. (Comfort and your sound.)
Warm Up with Metronome. (Hands, Feet and Mental)
Time-Keeper and Metronome. (Foundation)
BONUS- Play Along
2. Developing Foundation
Ghost notes and Basic Fills with Metronome. (Foundation and Control)
EQ Yourself (Control and Dynamics)
Grooves with Metronome (Finding the magic)
2 Bar Repeat with Metronome.(Creativity)
Groove Placement. (Confidence and Creativity.)
BONUS - Play Along
3. Developing Expression
Drum Tuning 2. (Knowing your sound.)
Odd timing. (Knowing where you are.)
Combinations. (Linear Fills and Chops.)
Combination Placement. (Control and Spirit.)
Open Soloing. (Independence and Soul.)
BONUS - Play Along
4. Incorporating Electronics
Trigger Pads and Brain. (Electronics)
Outputs and Seperation. (Assigning and Programming.)
Sampling and Sounds. (Programming.)
Drum Triggers. (Acoustic and Electronic.)
Acoustic and Electronic Hybrid Set up. (Acoustic and Electronic.)
BONUS - Play Along
5. Work For Hire Drummer
Work for Hire Tuning. (Knowing your instrument.)
Work for Hire Retention. (Music Industry Quickness.)
Work for Hire Execution. (Mental and Physical.)
Work for Hire Triggers. (Trial and Error.)
Work for Hire Song Format. (Staying Ahead of the game.)
BONUS - Play Along